Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Two Goals for Summer

Since tomorrow is June 1, I wanted to set some goals for Frankie for this summer. This is a good place to broadcast the goals so that we are sure to follow through on them.

The first is to walk all the way to our closest playground. It's 3 1/2 blocks away. I know that Frankie has the mojo to get there. It just takes patience on my part to keep him focused and moving forward all the way there.

The second is to get him to a ride a bike with training wheels. He won a bike in a contest almost four years ago at the place where he gets his hair cut. He has been working over the winter on a Big Wheel at school and is just about to get the idea of pedaling on his own. It would be fun if he could pedal for one block by the end of the summer.

I'll post updates and pictures on the goals as we get closer.

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