Sunday, February 10, 2008

Great Big Massive Update

On a very cold Minnesota morning -- with the temp hovering at -14 and windchills in the -30 range -- I'm typing quickly to generate heat. Here's what Frankie has been up to since last October ....
Swim Meet

Frankie went to his PCA Noel's swim meet at Hamline University. Frankie is an amazing swimmer, so being on a swim team like Noel is definitely in his future. He had a great time watching the diving, competitive swimming -- and coed swim team members....

Hungry Dude

Frankie now weighs 50 pounds! He's a great eater. And he doesn't tolerate poor service very well ...

Listening Therapy

Frankie started Listening Therapy last fall as part of his occupational and speech therapy at the The Therapy Place. He listens to music that has been specially modulated and recorded to help his brain process information differently.
It has been amazing for Frankie! He is vocalizing more, concentrating better and able to follow instructions with more complexity.
Plus, he just looks cool ....

Classic Sick Day

On a day home from school when Frankie wasn't feeling well, we built a couch fort ...

After Christmas Fun

Frankie and I enjoyed a week of no school and no work after Christmas. We took a day to shop and ride rides at the Mall of America. Frankie loved going on the big rides -- even a roller coaster. Next stop ... Six Flags in Saint Louis this summer :)

You Know You've Lived in Minnesota a Long Time When ...

You run to the playground when the temperature rises above 40 degrees in January. One Sunday afternoon, we had a heat wave -- 45 degrees! So Frankie and I went to one of his favorite playgrounds. It was a fun of mix of seasons -- we played on the swing, then walked out onto the frozen lake.