Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Two Goals for Summer

Since tomorrow is June 1, I wanted to set some goals for Frankie for this summer. This is a good place to broadcast the goals so that we are sure to follow through on them.

The first is to walk all the way to our closest playground. It's 3 1/2 blocks away. I know that Frankie has the mojo to get there. It just takes patience on my part to keep him focused and moving forward all the way there.

The second is to get him to a ride a bike with training wheels. He won a bike in a contest almost four years ago at the place where he gets his hair cut. He has been working over the winter on a Big Wheel at school and is just about to get the idea of pedaling on his own. It would be fun if he could pedal for one block by the end of the summer.

I'll post updates and pictures on the goals as we get closer.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Sharing Time

Every Thursday morning, Farnkie's kindergarten class has "Sharing Time", a fun show-and-tell time where all 15 kids bring in something about themselves that they want to share.

Since Frankie is non-verbal, I always write a little note along with the item we send.

Here is what Frankie shared today:

Frankie says:

This is a picture of me at one of my favorite playground – right on Lake Calhoun. A lot of times my Dad and I ride our bike around the lake and then stop at this playground. I have a special seat on my Dad’s bike. I also have a cool blue helmet with orange flames on it.

I like to walk up this ramp and then go down a small slide. I am also trying to figure out how to climb up the slide.

In a different part of the playground, there is also a long bridge to walk across. After I go across the bridge, I like to go down a bigger slide.

In the summer, we wear our swimming suits and go swimming in the lake!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Happiest Moment at the Dentist

After having jaw surgery when he was four months old, cleft palate surgery at two years old and numerous other pokes and prods in the general boca area, it's no wonder Frankie loathes going to the dentist. Checking out this mirror in the waiting room was definitely the highlight of his trip there.

His jaw is anatomically very tight, so getting in for a good exam usually involves lots of cajoling, lots of crying and at least one torture device in his mouth.

The good news is that Frankie's teeth look great. He has already lost two of his baby teeth (both within 3 days of each other) and his adult teeth (ADULT teeth!) are coming in just fine.

The nicest part of the visit was how wonderful they are with special needs kids. When Frankie's dentist was running 30 minutes behind, one of the receptionists came out and said to us, "You are so good with him and you both have been so patient. We'd like you to have these." She then handed us two movie passes.

When we went back to see the dentist, his assitant apologized immediately for the wait. We got to go into a private room, since they knew Frankie doesn't always have a great time at the dentist's office. When the dentist came in, HE apologized for the wait.

Their thoughtfulness towards special needs kids made the most out of a rotten situation.

Friday, May 12, 2006

test from cell phone

[Posted with hblogger 2.0]

You have new Picture Mail!

Waiting for the dentist

Test Message from Email

Test post from email

First Message from Frankie

Hello everyone ---

I'm testing out starting a different blog for Frankie. I am checking settings to update and add blogs via email and my cell phone.