Monday, January 29, 2007

You're a Happy Helper

... you all recognize that song from BARNEY, right? If you don't, you really don't know what you're missing.

Frankie is learning so many great things at school. He can really follow a task all the way through to completion. This pic was taken at McDonald's in Champlin on our standard Friday Night Date Night. We go swim at Lifetime, then have dinner at either McDonald's or Arby's.

I like Arby's because I can get a baked potato. Frankie prefers the fries at McDonald's -- and I really can't blame him.

The more I worry about Frankie leading an independent life, I like to go back to pictures (and memories) of simple things like this. Frankie is only 7 and has so many things to learn and so much brain development still to come.

Watching him do something as simple (but potentially useful to a future employer) as throwing away the garbage, I know that he can be trained to have some sort of job. He's already The Happiest Kid in the World. I just want him to have a great life and some sort of job or hobby that he finds really fulfilling.

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