Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Frog Jump Ride

A very short video of Frankie on the Frog Jump Ride!

Summer Vacation -- Part 2

The coolest thing that Frankie learned during our vacation was how to ride his new trailer bike! We were all really nervous that Frankie wouldn't understand how to hang on, but he mastered it right from the beginning!

On our first trip, we went all the way around the block twice! Now Frankie's record is two laps around Lake Calhoun (about 6 miles total).

First day on the new bike.

Swimming is an essential part of any summer vacation. On Friday afternoon, Frankie and I were invited to swim at the Minneapolis Golf Club. It was a perfect July day -- temps in the 90s and lots of sun!

Frankie and Dad at the Minneapolis Golf Club.

On Saturday, we ventured way out west (to Delano, MN -- about 25 miles west) to visit our friend Kate and her family. They own a few farm animals, so Frankie got to meet and greet a horse, a miniature horse, a donkey and a cow.

Frankie on the farm.

A little more fun than the animals (okay, WAY more fun) was the trampoline!

How can you not have fun on a trampoline??

Frankie's Summer Vacation

Instead of our usual two day Dudes' Road Trip to Saint Louis, we opted for a stay-at home vacation this year. We definitely missed seeing our family down there -- and basking in 90+ degree heat and humidity -- we found a lot of fun close to home.

Frankie enjoys our first night of vacation (Sunday night) swimming at Lake Calhoun.

Monday was a little cold and gloomy, so we headed indoors to watch WALL-E. Frankie loved the movie - especially the first half, where just the two robots talked to each other.

After WALL-E -- Block E Theatres in downtown Minneapolis.

This was also Frankie's first movie in big kid underpants. He did a great job (with a potty break halfway through)!

One of the many things Frankie mastered on our weeklong vacation was riding his new scooter. He took to it right away and now does great turns and rides down hills!

Frankie on his scooter in front of our house.

On Wednesday, we took our act to the Como Zoo in Saint Paul. Frankie was kinda-sorta into the animals (mostly the Sea Lions) ...

Frankie watching the sea lions.

And enjoying Sparky the Sea Lion's show!

But Frankie's favorite part of that day was Como Town. He went on the Frog Jump Ride --

Frankie down to earth right before the Frog Jump Ride starts.

Admiring his skill after mastering the Giant Swing.

Much more! Continued in the next post .......